Gifts that pay you income

You can receive income for life and share biblical truth for generations to come.

Life income gifts allow you to give to bring people to Christ and mature them in their faith through the timeless Bible teaching of Adrian Rogers AND receive income for life! It’s a wonderful opportunity — particularly if you’re concerned about having enough retirement income.

You can establish a life income gift by making a gift of cash, stocks, and other non-cash assets to Love Worth Finding. In exchange, you’ll receive an immediate tax deduction and then ongoing payments for life for you and your loved ones — most of it tax free. When you no longer need the income, the remainder of the gift will go to Love Worth Finding.

Benefits of a life income gift


You help accomplish Kingdom goals while securing income payments for life or for a designated number of years — most of it tax free.


Receive an immediate tax deduction at the time of your gift and reduce capital gains tax when funding your gift with appreciated assets.

Eliminate hassles

Give assets you no longer need or care to manage (such as rental property or vacation homes). Our professional planned giving partners will help plan and manage asset transfers and sales.

Better returns

Life income gifts pay higher rates than money market accounts.

This information is not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your financial advisor and legal counsel for information and advice specific to your situation.

Request your fact sheet today!

LWF partners with Barnabas Foundation to provide complimentary professional planned giving advice. Barnabas has been helping Christians with life income gift planning since 1976. Fill out this information to get access to a downloadable fact sheet about life income gifts. Or contact Bob Dawkins or Sam Cox at 800-274-5683 or

Other ways to give

Donor-Advised Funds

Gift In Your Will

Stock and Asset Gifts

IRA gifts