What are Adrianisms?

If you’ve ever heard a message by Adrian Rogers, then you are aware of his quick wit and exceptional wisdom. But neither his wit nor his wisdom ever overpowered the message of the Gospel; rather, it complemented it. These inspirational quotes were tools—gifts—he used to effectively communicate the truth of the Bible for everyday living. And over the years they have become identifiable with, and almost inseparable from, him. They have become “Adrianisms.”

Words of Encouragement

  • Everything over my head is under God's feet. SEE JOHN 16:33
  • If you woke up this morning, and you're still here, God still has a plan for your life! SEE JEREMIAH 29:11
  • No one has ever sinned themselves beyond the love of God. SEE ROMANS 8:38-39
  • Never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light. SEE 1 JOHN 1:5
  • The same God who has called you is the God who’s equipped you. SEE EPHESIANS 2:10
  • There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer God will not answer, and no problem too hard for Him to solve. SEE MATTHEW 19:26
  • When we were born again, we were born to win. SEE 1 JOHN 5:4
  • Do your best and then sleep in peace. God is awake. SEE PSALM 121:3-4
  • Where we cannot trace God's hand, we can trust His heart. SEE PROVERBS 3:5
  • Just because you cannot see God working, does not mean He is not at work. SEE JOHN 5:17
  • We don't live by explanations. We live by promises. SEE ROMANS 4:20-21
  • When God says no, it's because He has something better in store for you. SEE 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9
  • What Jesus says is more certain than anything we can feel. SEE JOHN 14:6
  • Let go of this world and take hold of God with both hands. SEE DEUTERONOMY 13:4
  • When you are in a storm, what seems to be a problem to you is not a problem to God. SEE JEREMIAH 32:27


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Cards to Display

Each set includes 52 "Adrianisms" cards & include Scripture. They are perfect to display in your home or on your desk, or as gifts to family and friends.

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