God’s grace not only gives us assurance of our salvation but also gives us His power to live in victory over sin.
READ MOREJesus gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify for Himself a special people zealous of good works.
READ MOREGrace does more than free us from sin; it frees us to live for God and follow His Son Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
READ MORESalvation is something we could never obtain ourselves; it is only by His grace that we can be saved. There is not one spiritual thing to earn, but there is so much to learn. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares four principles to guide us, so we don’t become a disgrace to God’s amazing grace.
READ MOREThe problem with pride is that it is a dangerous and deceptive sin. Nothing brings more destruction to our nation, homes, and relationships than a prideful spirit. In this message, Adrian Rogers defines pride, and shares the five ways it can devastate us if we don’t deal with it.
READ MOREGrace compels and empowers us to live by a higher standard because we have the love of Jesus inside.
READ MOREAs Believers, we rely on the grace of God for salvation. We also rely on the grace of God for everyday living and becoming more and more like Jesus.
READ MOREThe grace of God is challenged and cheapened when a person tries to earn or maintain salvation through legalism.
READ MOREIn his letter to Titus, the Apostle Paul claims him as his own son in the faith. He calls Titus a trophy of grace—his life being the evidence of a true believer. In this message, Adrian Rogers defines grace and shares how our lives should be the evidence of it.