Investing in a legacy of faith is a parent’s greatest task and joy.
READ MOREPerhaps the most difficult, yet rewarding, role a man could ever commit to is being a good husband and father. The Lord develops godly men through His Word. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares God’s plan for the man, as explained in Psalm 128.
READ MORESpeaking the truth in love will draw you closer together and fulfill the plan God designed for handling conflict.
READ MOREGod equips us to control anger so that peace may reign in our relationships.
READ MOREWhen Christ is the center of your home, your family will reflect the glory of God to everyone around you.
READ MOREThose who are married have the potential of great wealth in what truly matters. We can have a millionaire marriage when we understand the value God has placed on the family. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares God’s design for marriage and how to maintain a godly home.
READ MOREWhen we know God intimately, we are able to rest and trust His character to work through confusing circumstances for our good and His glory.
READ MOREListening carefully and speaking wisely will build up rather than tear down marriages.
READ MOREGod made husbands and wives different so that He may make us one in marriage. Because of our innate differences, arguments are inevitable. In this message, Adrian Rogers teaches us how to handle conflict in marriage.
READ MORETaking the time and making the effort to listen will enhance intimacy and oneness in your relationship.