December 19 • Acts 10:43

Unlock the Mysteries

Without Jesus, the Old Testament is a list of unexplained ceremonies that won’t make sense.


Acts 10:43

The Christ of the Old Testament Outline and Transcript

In Acts 10, Simon Peter testifies to the household of Cornelius, and reveals that Jesus is the Christ of the Old Testament. In this message, Adrian Rogers unlocks the mysteries of the Old Testament, showing how it is a portrait and prophecy of Jesus Christ.


December 18 • Acts 10:39-42

The Glue That Holds the Church Together

What is the glue that holds the Church together? Is it preferences? Is it race? Is it culture? No, it has been and always should be Jesus.


Acts 10:34

Learning to Share Your Faith Outline and Transcript

In Acts 10, Simon Peter is invited into the home of Cornelius, a Roman officer, to share his faith with him and his household. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses Peter’s three-fold testimony to reveal how we can share our faith.


December 17 • Acts 10:34-36

No One is Too Far Gone

Any people, anywhere, anytime can be saved, but if they are saved, they’re going to be saved through Jesus Christ. There’s no other way to be saved.


December 16 • Acts 12:8-11

The God of Automatic Doors

If you’re in a situation and God doesn’t deliver you it’s not because He can’t. If God is not working according to what you can see, it doesn’t mean God is not working. And if evil seems to succeed, the success of evil is only temporary.


December 15 • John 17:3

Do You Know God?

People need more than a quick fix; people need to know God. Only through Christ can you know God and truly live satisfied.


December 14 • Isaiah 14:12-15

Where Does Self-Centeredness Lead?

If you want what is real, you go to the Word of God; you lay your intellectual pride in the dust; and you call out to Jesus for mercy. Pride may be satisfying for a little while, but the fruit of self-centeredness is bitterness and bondage.


Luke 1:35

Christmas Tribute to the Trinity Outline and Transcript

The story of Christmas is a tribute to the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the mystery, history, and ministry of the Trinity.


Acts 12:1

Christ of Every Crisis Outline and Transcript

Troubles come and go every day, but every so often we come up against an unexpected, ferocious crisis. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four things believers can do in a crisis.

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