January 10 • Genesis 7:15-16

Is Jesus Your Ark of Safety?

Don’t wait until it is too late to make Jesus your ark of safety. He will give you joy, peace and security in salvation.


Revelation 20:11-15

The Final Judgment Outline and Transcript

The Book of Revelation prophecies that at the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus will come with His saints in power and great glory to rule and reign and judge the sins of the world. In this message, Adrian Rogers sets the scene of the final judgment, when God judges the sins of those who are not in Christ Jesus.


Matthew 24:35-39

The Days of Noah Outline and Transcript

Though we don’t know the exact day or hour, the Bible shares what the Last Days will look like, when Jesus Christ returns and history reaches its climax. In this message, Adrian Rogers examines the days of Noah and reveals why this day and age is ripe for Jesus Christ to come again.


January 9 • Matthew 24:36-39

Are You Ignorant or Indifferent to God’s Truth?

So many people are caught up in ignorance or indifference in our culture today that they are unable to hear God’s truth.


January 8 • Jude 1:20-21

What Do You Value Most?

The pleasures of this world can deceive you into losing your own soul.


January 7 • 1 John 3:1-2

You are So Valuable to God

God values you so much that He was willing to sacrifice His beloved Son for your salvation.


January 6 • Revelation 20:15

Are You Duped by Religion?

Neither religion nor church membership can open the gates of heaven for you. Only your trust in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, can assure your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.


Mark 8:35

The Value of a Soul Outline and Transcript

The soul is the most valuable part of each of us and, so often, the first thing we sacrifice for the things of this world. In this message, Adrian Rogers describes the value of a soul, and explains why we must be extremely careful not to gamble it for the things of this world.


January 5 • Revelation 20:11-12

Are You Ready to Meet Jesus?

One day, we will all meet Jesus. For some, He will be a Savior, and for some He will be a Judge. Are you ready?


January 4 • Ephesians 2:10

Do You View Yourself as God Does?

God created you with a soul that has vast potential. When you allow Him to work in and through you, He will mine out your potential like a diamond.