1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

A Thief in the Night Outline and Transcript

If we believe in our hearts that Jesus is coming again, we must be ready for His return; 1 Thessalonians 5 says He will come “like a thief in the night.” In this message, Adrian Rogers shares four expectations to edify us as we wait for His glorious return.


May 20 • Ephesians 4:30

Are You Listening to God?

The Spirit of God must draw you to Jesus Christ. But there comes a time when the Holy Spirit of God may be so blasphemed that He will no longer speak to your heart.


May 19 • Proverbs 29:1

God is Not Silent

God is speaking to you – through the Holy Spirit, His Word, and other ways. Are you listening?


May 18 • Proverbs 1:22

Are You Simple or Prudent?

If someone evaluated your life, would you be considered more gullible or cautious? The wise avoid evil, but the simple walk right toward it.


May 17 • Proverbs 1:20-21

Do You Want to Give Your Faith Away?

You’ll never convince me that you know the real joy of the Lord Jesus if you do not want to share it. Those who have true faith want to give it to others.


May 16 • Isaiah 46:9-10

Will God’s Prophecies Always Come True?

Though the predictions of men are never certain, we can remember that God’s prophecies will always come to pass.


May 15 • Daniel 9:25

God’s Prophecies Are Being Fulfilled

When you read the Book of Daniel, you will see many prophecies about the Messiah – all of which have been, are being, or will be fulfilled in the coming days.


May 14 • Matthew 24:14

What Must Happen Before Jesus Returns?

God wants as many people as possible to be saved before Jesus returns. How can the Church play a part in that mission?


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

In the Twinkling of an Eye Outline and Transcript

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 explores the sacred mystery of the Rapture, which is prophesied in the Book of Revelation. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the key details of the Rapture, which will occur in the twinkling of an eye.


May 13 • 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Who Will You Worship?

We were created to worship, but we can choose who we worship. God will not force us to worship Him, even though He deserves it. Satan wants us to worship him even though he does not deserve it. Who will you worship?