If the glory of God is gone in your life—if God is not real to you—ask this question: Is there anyone or anything that takes precedence over God in my life? Any direct disobedience, any divided devotion, will hinder your relationship with Him.
READ MOREYou can only grieve someone that loves you. When you disobey God, you grieve the Spirit.
READ MOREIt’s frightening to have success, to have possessions, and to have protection but not to have the presence of the Lord.
READ MOREThe significance of coming to church is not primarily that we bring ourselves to worship but that we bring our worship to church.
READ MOREYou don’t have to know all that your Father does for Him to be your Father.
READ MOREGod doesn’t intend for us to settle down here because this world is not our home. We’re just passing through.
READ MOREFreely we have received, so freely we give. Let the cup run over and be a blessing to somebody else.
READ MOREHave you seen God work in your life in a way you could not explain?
READ MOREMany people ask what Heaven is going to be like. Are we going to have beds? Are we going to sleep? Will we eat? How old will we be? What will we do? I don’t know the answers to those questions, but that doesn’t bother me.