December 14 • Isaiah 14:12-15

Where Does Self-Centeredness Lead?

If you want what is real, you go to the Word of God; you lay your intellectual pride in the dust; and you call out to Jesus for mercy. Pride may be satisfying for a little while, but the fruit of self-centeredness is bitterness and bondage.


Acts 12:1

Christ of Every Crisis Outline and Transcript

Troubles come and go every day, but every so often we come up against an unexpected, ferocious crisis. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four things believers can do in a crisis.


December 13 • Romans 8:27-28

Trust the Artist

Just because things are not making sense to you doesn’t mean they don’t make sense.


December 12 • Acts 8:21-24

The Faith Walk vs. The Fake Walk

Has your faith shaped how you have lived since your moment of confession, or have you been faking it with all the right language and answers?


Acts 8:5-24

Counterfeit Christianity Outline and Transcript

In Acts 8, on the heels of a Great Revival, a sorcerer named Simon exhibited a counterfeit Christianity that posed a great threat to the Early Church. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three warnings about false religion, so we are not deceived.


December 11 • Acts 8:18-20

Believe in Miracles, Trust in Jesus

Believe in miracles but trust in Jesus. Never put your faith in miracles; put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


December 10 • Psalm 142:5-7

Be Real

Be real. Let God start with you where you are and God will bring you where He wants you to be.


December 9 • Acts 5:1-5

God’s X-Ray of the Heart

Did you know you can’t lie to God? He knows your heart. There is penetrating power of the Word of God. He knows when you’re lying; He can tell when you’re faking it.


Acts 5:1-11

Living Supernaturally or Superficially Outline and Transcript

In Acts 5, the Early Church was in the blaze of revival. However, the devil crafted a new attack from within the church, through Ananias and Sapphira. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals God’s grave warning about superficial religion.


December 8 • Acts 5:41-42

Turning the World Right Side Up for Jesus

When you obey Him, the Spirit is received, joy is achieved, and the Gospel is believed. Imagine the restoration and beauty we could see God do in the lives of those around us, impacting our community and all around the world, if we walked with God and listened to Him.

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