When Jesus died on the cross, our sins died with Him. When we get baptized, we show that we are dying to our old ways.
READ MOREHave you been baptized? It represents being buried in a grave and then raised to life, as Jesus was.
READ MOREAre you living for Jesus or have you lost your focus?
READ MOREThe Holy Spirit is a person, not a thing. Are you letting Him fill you?
READ MOREAs the night grows darker, the saints grow brighter.
READ MOREDid you know that affliction is sometimes the best teacher? We never see as clearly as when we see through eyes that have been washed through tears.
READ MOREDoes your relationship with God change the way you work? Work as to the Lord.
READ MOREIn our worship lives, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Why? Because God is Spirit and they who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
READ MORESatan wants to harm your spirit, so that you cannot know God.
READ MOREIf there’s no opposition, there’s no victory. God has not called you to a life of ease, but He has called you to a life of victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.