What is your intent with those you are interacting with? Do you seek to agree with them, make peace with them, or befriend them? Or is your mission to rescue them from eternal death?
READ MOREWhat does it mean to “keep yourself in the love of God”? It means to remain in the safety of His love and not run from it. Stay in the love of God.
READ MOREMethuselah’s long life displays the mercy of God. He held off on sending the flood until after Methuselah had passed. Could God also be showing mercy by holding off on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
READ MOREDo you have an evil imagination? Do you craft ungodly thoughts? Read about the days of Enoch and compare them to the ways we think today.
READ MOREThere's hope for your family, no matter your background. Many of the Bible's heroes were just like you and me…scheming when we ought to be trusting. Don't fight a battle already lost--enjoy a victory already won!
READ MOREWhen you see people defying God blatantly, you may just want to throw up your hands and wonder, "Is the Bible the Word of God after all?" Friend, apostasy proves the Bible is the Word of God.
READ MOREWhen Jesus returns, some are going to be swept up to glory and others would be left. Are you ready for that reality today?
READ MOREMore than 380 verses in the Bible speak clearly about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Early Church was taken up in thinking about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
READ MOREApostates are like raging waves of the sea, deeply disturbed in the heart.
READ MOREHow dangerous is apostasy? It causes division and can ruin the very fellowship of God’s Church.