Being in a place of leadership does not mean that others must serve you. Jesus came to Earth to serve, not to be served. How does this change your view of leadership?
READ MOREMan and woman are different, but that does not make one inferior to the other. Wives are to submit to their husbands in the sight of God, to both honor and respect their husbands.
READ MOREHusbands are to lovingly lead their wives just as Christ leads the Church.
READ MOREAs we see in Ephesians 5:21-33, marriage is from Heaven. It is not simply a contract; it is a covenant. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three responsibilities assigned to husbands, and reveals how husbands can love their wives as Christ loves the church.
READ MORENoah had to take a step of faith into the ark. How can you enter into Christ as Noah entered into the ark?
READ MORENoah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. In this wicked world, have you received God’s grace?
READ MOREDo you believe God is working in unseen ways? Open your eyes to God’s invisible work.
READ MOREWe would be foolish to deny that there is an unseen spiritual world just because we cannot see it with our physical eyes.
READ MOREIn the middle of a storm, do you think the worst or remain an encourager? The godly have a message of peace to share, even in the middle of life’s storms.
READ MOREAre you looking for light in the wrong places? Have you rejected God’s guidance? Look for ways you can obey Him today.