November 5 • 1 Samuel 18:1

Are You a Selfless Friend?

It is not until I have a healthy self-conception and I am secure in the Lord that I am free to love somebody else.


November 4 • 1 Samuel 18:6-7

How Do You Handle Victory?

Your reaction to victory will reveal either the waste in your life or the gold and silver in your life.


November 3 • 1 Samuel 18:3

Do You Rejoice When Others are Victorious?

God forbid that we should ever look upon the victory of another Christian as our loss.


1 Samuel 17:45-54

Don't Be Defeated by Your Victories Sermon Outline

Because King David lived by purpose, progression and power, he saw many victories. But victory can be dangerous if we don’t know how to receive it. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows how David demonstrated wisdom in victory.


November 2 • 1 Samuel 17:4

Are You Fighting From Victory?

Not only did the Lord Jesus win the battle against our archenemy, the devil, but He also gave us an example that we should walk in His steps.


1 Samuel 17:3-11

Live Like a King in Victory Sermon Outline

The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 teaches us how to deal with the giants in our lives. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals God’s plan for His children is to live like kings and queens in victory.


November 1 • 1 Samuel 17:10-11

Seeing From God’s Perspective

The Israelites were looking at the situation from a human perspective. They saw the size of Goliath and their smallness compared to him and decided the situation was impossible.


October 31 • Romans 8:30

God’s Future Plan for You

If you have truly put your faith in Jesus, you can be sure of your eternal glorification.


October 30 • Romans 8:29

God Doesn’t Want Anyone to Go to Hell

Some believe certain people are predestined to Hell and others are predestined to Heaven. But God doesn't predestine anybody to Hell, and He doesn’t want anybody to go to Hell.


Romans 8:28-39

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People? Outline and Transcript

The Bible says there is no good person, not one. Every good thing we have is due to the grace of God, in spite of our sins. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four promises in Romans 8 that explain why good things happen to bad people like us.