October 20 • Romans 8:26

How’s Your Prayer Life?

When you go to pray, the devil is going to level all of the artillery of Hell against you because he does not want you to pray.


October 19 • Romans 8:19

When God Gives You a Fever

When Adam sinned, God could not allow a sinful creature to live in paradise.


Romans 8:11, 18

Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs Outline and Transcript

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what turns every hurt into a hallelujah. And that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in us. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the grace that covers our guilt, and the glory that waits at the end of our suffering.


October 18 • Romans 8:18

Do You Question God’s Goodness?

Many people throughout history have questioned God’s goodness by pointing to the existence of sin and evil in the world.


October 17 • Romans 7:4

Are You Flying Close to the SON?

When you stop trying to work in your own power and put your trust fully in God, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets you free from the law of sin and death.


October 16 • Romans 7:2

Are You Married to Law or Love?

In this text, Paul pictured a theoretical woman who was previously married to Mr. Law but following his death, she remarries Mr. Love.


October 15 • Romans 8:15

Do You Know God as Father?

When the Holy Spirit of God comes into you, He gives you such a relationship with the One who has adopted you that you can call him Abba, Father.


Romans 8:26-28

Prayer Outline and Transcript

As Christians, prayer is our greatest privilege, yet our greatest failure; knowing this, God has given us a Great Helper. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how the Holy Spirit helps us in prayer.


October 14 • Romans 8:9

The Only True Test

A good test as to whether you’re saved or not is just simply this: have you received the Holy Spirit?


Romans 8:9

Getting to Know Your Best Friend Sermon Outline

The distinguishing mark of a Christian is the Holy Spirit in him. In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies how the Holy Spirit ministers to us, as a spirit of life, of Christ, and of adoption.