September 28 • 1 Corinthians 1:24

God’s Power on Display

The Jews wanted power and the Greeks wanted wisdom. Paul said, “Okay, you want wisdom? You want power? I’ll tell you where power is. I’ll tell you where wisdom is. It is in Christ crucified.”


1 Corinthians 1:18

Fools: Wise or Otherwise? Outline and Legacy Collection

When we live for Jesus Christ, believing in the Gospel, we will be looked upon as fools by this world. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows us how our response to the cross determines whether we are wise or otherwise.


September 27 • Psalm 119:27

God Helps Us Understand

The man apart from the Spirit of God can’t understand the Bible.


September 26 • 1 Peter 1:25

The Bible Will Not Be Destroyed

The Bible is always being attacked. Almost every week you’ll read something in some magazine or newspaper about why the Bible is wrong.


September 25 • 1 Peter 1:23

How Do You Break the Hardest Rock?

There is power in the Word of God.


Psalm 119:18, 27

The Seven Wonders of the Word of God Sermon Outline

Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is a wonderful book. I’m not finding hidden flaws; I’m finding hidden beauties. The more we read the Word of God, the more it will reveal itself to be true.” In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the seven wonders of the Word of God.”


September 24 • Psalm 119:18

Do You See the Bible’s Consistency?

What are some ways you recognize the different personalities and characteristics of the authors of the Bible?


1 Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-2

The Ministry of the Word of God Sermon Outline

We don’t have to be ordained ministers to be in the ministry; in fact, every man and woman who names the name of Jesus partakes in the ministry of the Word of God. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how we can be ministers of God’s Word.


September 23 • 1 Peter 1:23

Do You Refer to the Bible?

We must always return to what the Bible says. The inerrancy of the Word of God leads to the authority of the Word of God.


September 22 • Proverbs 3:6

God’s Treasures to Inherit

I wonder how many treasures are in God’s Word that God wants us to inherit, but we’ve never blown the dust off the Bible.