April 19 • Luke 24:27

Who Do You Find in the Bible?

When you read the Bible, are you looking for Jesus? If you do not find Him there, you are missing the point!


April 18 • Luke 24:15

Has Jesus Drawn Near to You?

Jesus draws near to us in order to claim and comfort us. When he saw two disciples on the Road to Emmaus, He did not condemn them, but He comforted them.


April 17 • 1 Corinthians 15:20

Do You Have Hope?

It can be hard to find hope when you are grieving the loss of a loved one. However, you CAN have hope because death doesn’t have dominion! Jesus has risen! He gives new life to all who have put their faith in him!


April 16 • 1 Corinthians 15:15

Are You Willing to Die for the Truth?

Were the disciples liars? Not even close. A man may be willing to live for a lie, but he won’t likely die for one. Many of the disciples were martyred for the faith, a testament to its truth.


1 Corinthians 15:12-19

What If There Had Been No Easter? Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

This is the Gospel: Jesus Christ died for our sins; He was buried and rose again on the third day. But what if death had conquered—what if Jesus stayed in the tomb? In this message, Adrian Rogers gives a tragic account of our lives without Jesus, if there had been no Easter.


April 15 • 1 Corinthians 15:14

Do You Believe in the Resurrection?

If Jesus did not actually rise from the dead, then every sermon about Him is worthless. Our faith depends on the resurrection, so it is a crucial pillar of our faith.


April 14 • 2 Chronicles 20:20

Praise Before the Victory

If you’re in the middle of a problem, begin to praise God, because He says, “The battle is not yours, it’s Mine.”


April 13 • Psalm 4:1

Is God Your Steering Wheel or Your Spare?

We have to learn how to depend on God, not just have Him as a backup.


April 12 • Isaiah 53:10a

Where is God Calling You?

Jesus had to suffer like we would have suffered. God’s will had to be done. Where may God be calling you to follow His will over your own?


April 11 • 1 Peter 3:18

The Problem Solved at Calvary

Jesus was your substitute on the Cross. What does that mean for you?