Hebrews 11:17-19; Genesis 22:1-14

A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary Outline and Transcript

Hebrews 11 recalls the story of Abraham and Isaac from Genesis 22, when God called a father to offer up his son as a sacrifice. This story was a dress rehearsal for Calvary, in which God the Father would send His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how Isaac is an Old Testament picture of Jesus Christ.


April 1 • 1 Corinthians 10:4

The Rock That Was Stricken

Just as the Israelites struck the rock to provide water, Jesus, the Rock of Ages, was stricken on our behalf.


March 31 • Matthew 25:40

Do You Live for Jesus?

If we have a heart for Jesus, we will live for Him. This means loving whom He loves and making choices that He would make. Do you live for Jesus?


March 30 • Luke 22:53

Do You Dwell on the Cross?

Does the agony of Jesus’ death on the Cross leave you unmoved? Unphased? Think about what love Jesus displayed for us! Dwell on the meaning of the Cross today.


March 29 • Psalm 22:1

Jesus Was Forsaken for Us

God had to turn away from His own Son to save us. Isn’t that humbling? Be motivated today to share Jesus because of His great love for you.


March 28 • Genesis 32:25

God Uses Broken Things

God rarely uses anything until He breaks it. If you’re broken, God can still use you! If you aren’t being used by God, ask yourself if you’ve really been broken.


March 27 • Hebrews 11:20

Coming Back to God

God does not define us by our moments. If you have gotten away from God, He is calling you back. How will you respond?


March 26 • Genesis 28:1-4

Do You Need a Spiritual Awakening?

Do you need to wake up? Does your family need to change? Who’s going to change it? Answer these questions as you read this devotion!


March 25 • Genesis 32:26

Are You Pursuing God?

Do you find yourself pursuing God, some days harder than others? God wants us to pursue Him.


Hebrews 11:17-19

The Testing of Your Faith Outline and Transcript

Throughout life, the devil will tempt us to do evil, while God tests us to do good and make our faith strong and pure. But God may ask us to do something that surprises us, and it will be the ultimate testing of our faith. In this message, Adrian Rogers reminds us of Abraham and Isaac and describes how to pass the tests of our faith.