Throughout life, the devil will tempt us to do evil, while God tests us to do good and make our faith strong and pure. But God may ask us to do something that surprises us, and it will be the ultimate testing of our faith. In this message, Adrian Rogers reminds us of Abraham and Isaac and describes how to pass the tests of our faith.
READ MOREDo you find yourself pursuing God, some days harder than others? God wants us to pursue Him.
READ MOREIs your family a mess? Whose isn’t? God can work in your mess if you let Him.
READ MOREJacob tried to work for a birthright that was already is. Do you find yourself working for what’s already yours in Jesus?
READ MOREThink of a father’s love for his firstborn. God loved Jesus so much. Can you imagine how much He loved us to sacrifice His own Son for us?
READ MOREAbraham put Isaac to death in his mind when God asked him to. Then he received him back, just as we received Christ back from the dead after three days.
READ MOREWe may have goals, jobs, families, and roots, but God could ask us to move at any moment? Would we be ready? Would we obey?
READ MOREFaith problems are really obedience problems. Look for a place you need to obey God if you are struggling to have faith in God.
READ MOREThe Bible emphasizes the importance of household salvation. One of the greatest examples of this is Noah, whose unsinkable faith in God saved his family from the Great Flood. In this message, Adrian Rogers describes Noah’s faith, and how we can live righteously in a rebellious generation.
READ MOREDo you believe God will keep His promises? How can your life reflect that?