December 5 • Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Why Obligated Obedience Falls Flat

When we love God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength, we will serve Him through obedience with joy.


December 4 • Acts 5:40-42

How to Find Joy in Obedience

If we don’t know and trust the Lord Jesus Christ intimately, we will struggle with finding joy in obeying Him. We struggle to take commands from a stranger. But when we get to know the Lord Jesus Christ, we will learn that His commands are not a burden.


Acts 5:27-32

The Expedience of Obedience Outline and Transcript

Being a Christian is a joyous thing. The reason we are not filled with joy in this Christian life could be a matter of disobedience. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the expedience of obedience, so that we may live in victory.


December 3 • Colossians 1:9-12

A Tiny Boat in a Vast Ocean

The more you learn, the more you realize that the ocean is vast, and your boat is tiny. A man who is learning truth doesn’t tell you how much he knows; he’s telling you how little he knows and how much he has yet to learn. Keep learning to keep growing.


Proverbs 23:23

Treasuring Truth Outline and Transcript

In this day, it is not values that we desperately need, but virtue. We must be able to differentiate truth and fact: we acquire facts, but learn truth. Facts deal with knowledge, and knowledge can double, but truth never changes and is settled for eternity. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the necessary steps we must take in treasuring truth.


December 2 • Proverbs 23:23

Seeking Truth Feeds Your Spirit

Truth is to your spirit what food is to your body. Truth is to your spirit what light is to your eyes. Truth is to your spirit what melody is to your ears. When you read, don’t read merely to get facts; read to get truth. Read for enlightenment because to know truth is to know God.


December 1 • Isaiah 55:8-9

Trusting God’s Higher Ways in Dark Days

God can work in ways that don’t make sense to us. He can use things that we could never imagine or never want to happen to bring us back to relying on Him.


November 30 • James 1:2-5

We Learn Through Hardship

Jesus is the One who matures you. You won’t become mature by aiming to be perfect but by opening yourself up to God, allowing Him to form patience in your heart and make you like Him.


John 3

Miracle Births Outline and Transcript

Birth is, perhaps, the greatest miracle each of us has ever experienced. Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem was even more miraculous. It is because of Christ that we can experience the second birth that brings new life. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three miracle births that offer us hope.


November 29 • Ephesians 5:1-2

Dependency on God During Difficulty

Our greatest strength is God and if we sail through life without any difficulties, we tend not to depend on God. When we begin to depend on ourselves, the difficulty, heartache, and pain cause us to depend on the Lord Jesus Christ.

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