November 24 • Acts 4:31

Are You Fully Surrendered?

If there’s any unconfessed sin in your life, any area you’ve not surrendered to Him, then you’re not going to have boldness. That sin, that area of your life is a barrier to courage.


Isaiah 64

Revival is When God Shows Up Outline and Transcript

No military power, economic upturn, or presidential election can bring the revival we so desperately need. Transformation happens when, by holy boldness, one person seeks the face of God. In this message, Adrian Rogers tells us what happens when God shows up and revival breaks out.


November 23 • Romans 8:27-29

Trusting God Through Problems

Take your eyes off your problems. Focus your eyes on Almighty God, who is the Creator of all things, the Controller of all things, and the Conqueror of all things. He is in control, regardless of the challenges you are facing.


Acts 4:36-37

Five Ways You Can Encourage Others Outline and Transcript

The Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas, which translates to, “son of consolation.” Barnabas’ gift of encouragement should inspire us to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals five ways we can encourage others.


November 22 • 1 Peter 2:1-3

God Can Use You!

Just like newborn babies need love, newborn believers need to be received and included. God can use you in a mighty way to encourage the new believer and the newcomer.


November 21 • Acts 4:31

Are You Bold for Jesus?

The presence of Jesus is the basis for our boldness to witness for Him.


Acts 4:9-33

Holy Boldness Outline and Transcript

If there was ever a time to be bold in our faith, it is now. We need the same holy boldness Peter and John had in Acts 4. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three principles that are the basis of our courage.


November 20 • Acts 4:13

You Are Never Alone

Jesus Christ is not up in Heaven peering through the clouds. Jesus Christ is here. He has not left us alone; He is here with us always.


November 19 • Colossians 1:27

What Are You Advertising?

Salvation is not getting Man out of Earth into Heaven; it is getting God out of Heaven into Man. That is what we are advertising. That is what we are showing to the world.


Acts 2:22-26

The Amazing First Century Church Outline and Transcript

As the Body and Bride of Christ, the Church is the world’s first idea of Jesus. Do we exhibit the same power as the amazing first-century Church? In this message, Adrian Rogers reminds us of our purpose as the Church of Jesus Christ.

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