Titus 2:3-5

How to Make a Home Beautiful Sermon Outline

God is in favor of beautiful homes; yet these days, our families face many enemies that threaten to drain us of our splendor. Titus 2 shows us that the key to a beautiful home is the wife and mother. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals what it means to be a godly mother and how to make a home beautiful.


June 6 • Hebrews 11:26

Teaching Children to Evaluate What Matters

How often do you take time to compare the promises of Christ with the offers of the world?


June 5 • Proverbs 22:6

Are We Training Our Children?

If we teach our children and that’s all we do, we’ll teach them one thing, but someone else can come along and teach them something else.


Exodus 17:8-11

Four Principles of Victory Outline and Transcript

In Exodus 17, God called the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led them through the wilderness toward Canaan. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the story of the Israelites to reveal four principles of victory over the flesh.


June 4 • Exodus 20:12

Children Who Honor Their Parents

We can be children of happy mothers when we follow God’s command to honor our parents.


Exodus 20:12

How to Be the Child of a Happy Mother Sermon Outline

Adrian Rogers says, “The closest thing to God’s love is the love of a mother.” Following God’s command to honor our parents is how we can be children of happy mothers. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals several ways we can express our love and honor our parents.


June 3 • Hebrews 11:23b-24

Be a Faithful Parent | Part II

Hebrews 11 notes that because Moses’ values were established in him by his parents, he valued his faith more than all the riches of Egypt.


June 2 • Hebrews 11:23a

Be a Faithful Parent | Part I

It takes a family to raise a child, and it takes faith to make a family.


June 1 • Acts 4:36-37

Are You an Encourager?

Five characteristics of Barnabas’ “gift of encouragement” show us how to be encouragers for others.


Acts 4:34

The Gift of Encouragement Sermon Outline

The Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas, which translates to, “son of encouragement.” In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals five characteristics of Barnabas’s “gift of encouragement” that show us how to be encouragers to others.