May 22 • Colossians 3:15

What is Real Peace?

True peace is only possible through God.


Matthew 5:9

The Priority of Peacemaking Outline and Legacy Collection

In this tumultuous world, peace seems to be a distant and far-fetched idea. Until we are right with God, we will be troublemakers and not peacemakers. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the priority of peacemaking and the hope of reconciliation.


May 21 • Jeremiah 17:9-10

God Reveals Your Heart

How does God reveal hearts? He tries the reins. He allows circumstances to come into your life and sees how you react to those circumstances. Your actions don’t prove what you are, your reactions do


May 20 • Matthew 5:8

Do You Have A Crooked Heart?

Outward reformation is not enough. You need regeneration. The problem is not on the outside; the problem is on the inside. Let God deal with the sin inside your heart.


Matthew 5:8

Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It Outline and Legacy Collection

It seems every institution nowadays is touched by scandal and problems, and underneath it all is an integrity crisis. This is why it is crucial that we are men and women of integrity, and we dare not leave home without it. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the principle, place, and promise of integrity.


May 19 • Galatians 5:22-23

Are You Controlled by the Holy Spirit?

Meekness is the fruit of the Spirit. You don't produce that fruit: you bear the fruit that He produces in you.


May 18 • Matthew 11:28-30

Is Following Jesus Hard?

The Bible says the way of the transgressor is hard. Jesus said His yoke is easy. That doesn’t mean there’s no work to do.


May 17 • Ephesians 5:1-2

How Do We Imitate God

We show people the mercy God has given us by the mercy we extend. If God, in love, has been merciful to us, how much more should we be merciful to one another?


Matthew 5:7

The Magnificence of Mercy Outline and Legacy Collection

Matthew 5:7 says, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." Mercy is not just softness or mere sentiment; it is compassion in action. In this passage, Adrian Rogers reveals the beauty, the basis, and the magnificence of mercy.


May 16 • Matthew 5:7

Do You Have Mercy that Leads to Action?

Mercy is compassion in action. Mere sentiment is not enough. Mercy leads to loving action.

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