October 8 • Romans 8:31-34

The Truth About God’s Love for You

God is the unsparing God: He did not spare His Son, the Lord Jesus, so that you and I might be saved and have eternal life.


2 Peter 2:1

How to Spot a Counterfeit Outline and Transcript

In the Bible, there is no greater crime than being a false prophet. It’s bad to tell a lie and it’s worse to teach a lie; but it is evil to teach a lie about God. Scripture tells us that false teachers are among us and warns us of the dangers of their doctrine. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how to spot a counterfeit teacher.


October 7 • Galatians 1:7b-9

Do You Follow Blindly?

We need to practice discernment when we listen to Christian leaders, making sure the subject of their teaching is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


October 6 • 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

You Are Appointed to Be an Ambassador

As people who have been reconciled to God, we have been given a ministry of reconciliation to help others be reconciled to God.


October 5 • 2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Seeing Others Through God’s Eyes

You need to see every man as your potential brother in Christ. You need to see every woman as your potential sister in Christ.


Luke 14:25-35

How to Be a Fully Committed Disciple of Jesus Christ Outline and Transcript

It costs to serve Jesus Christ; we must be prepared to pay the price every day, every step of the way. Many will try to water down the Gospel in an attempt to gain more followers, but Jesus is not looking for easy followers; He wants fully committed disciples. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four attributes of a disciple fully committed to Jesus Christ.


October 4 • Matthew 5:13

Are We Salty Disciples?

Jesus said we “are the salt of the earth.” He didn’t say we’re the salt of the Church. We need to get the salt out of the saltshaker and into the world. We are to be separate from sin, but not isolated from sinners.


October 3 • 2 Corinthians 5:1-5

Choose to Live Without Regret

We share because we love Jesus. Yes, we love people, but the chief motivation of our lives is His love for us and, therefore, His love through us.


October 2 • 1 Corinthians 3:10-14

Are You Making Eternal Investments?

Material investments fade so quickly. But when you win souls for Jesus Christ, you don’t receive a corruptible crown: you receive a crown of glory that will never fade away.


2 Corinthians 5

The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations Outline and Transcript

Our achievements in life are primarily obtained by the drive behind them. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals six mighty motivations for those who want to win souls for Christ.

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