November 18 • Acts 2:37-38

Do You Have Confidence in Yourself?

Repentance and faith are the heads and tails of the same coin. You cannot turn to God without turning from sin.


November 17 • 2 Peter 3:17-18

Where Do I Need to Grow?

Everything God has given us is to be used for the glory of God the Father and as we seek God and use the gifts He’s given us, He provides growth!


November 16 • Psalm 62:8

Do You Know Where You Are?

We need to reverse our thinking. In whatever area of life you’ve got problems, thank God for those areas and talk to Him about the problems. He can open the doors of opportunity. We need to know where we are and share that with God before we can go anywhere new.


November 15 • Acts 1:8

Are You Relying on Emotions?

When you get saved, the Holy Spirit of God comes into you. And the Holy Spirit of God speaks to your human spirit that you belong to God. It is not an emotional feeling; it is an awareness.


November 14 • Matthew 28:18-20

Do God’s Methods Still Work Today?

It is an insult to God to say we cannot have revival. The message of the Gospel has not changed. It is just as powerful, just as real today as it ever has been.


Acts 2:1-4

The Principles of Power Outline and Transcript

The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 marked the birth of the Church, and the burst of the Holy Flame that is the Holy Spirit. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the principles of power, as they were first given to us on the Day of Pentecost.


November 13 • Colossians 1:27

Is Jesus Working Through You?

If you’re doing things for Jesus, that’s superficial, but if Jesus is doing something through you, it is supernatural.


Acts 1:1-3

Making Jesus Known Outline and Transcript

Our greatest need in this world is Jesus; as Believers, it is our greatest privilege to make Jesus known to our neighbors and nation. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how we can magnify Jesus and move others toward maturity and ministry.


November 12 • Genesis 24:56

How to be Truly Successful

Success is the progressive realization of the will of God for your life.


November 11 • 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Are You a Goal Setter?

Without spiritual goals, you will never experience spiritual fulfillment in life.

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