November 19 • 2 Samuel 11:3-5

Receiving God’s Gift God’s Way

When God says don’t commit adultery, He’s not trying to keep us from sex. He’s trying to keep sex for us.


Habakkuk 1-3

Giving Thanks in Dark Days Outline and Transcript

The Book of Habakkuk might be the most pertinent Scripture in this day and age. In three short chapters, Habakkuk shows us how to give thanks in dark days. In this message, Adrian Rogers reminds us of three things about faith as the days grow gloriously dim.


2 Samuel 11:1-5

Then Came Sin Sermon Outline

King David was at the height of his career, seeing continuous blessings from God… but then came sin. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals why we must be committed in our marriages and how to avoid the sin of adultery.


November 18 • 1 Samuel 13:11-12

Are You Getting Ahead of God?

Samuel could see in Saul a character flaw that was the seed of his self-destruction. He knew sooner or later Saul would come to an untimely end because he was a man who would play the fool.


November 17 • 1 Samuel 28:19

Are You Finishing Well?

No man ever got a better start than King Saul. And no man ever had a sadder finish than King Saul.


1 Samuel 26:21

Games That Fools Play Sermon Outline

No man in Scripture ever had a brighter beginning, nor a sadder ending, than King Saul. In this message, Adrian Rogers examines Saul’s golden opportunities and tragic failures to warn us of the games fools play.


2 Samuel 3:33, 38

The Death of a Brilliant Fool Sermon Outline

2 Samuel 3 tells of the tragic demise of Abner, a great man of middle age and robust health, who died in a foolish manner. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the death of this brilliant fool, so that we may live in abundant wisdom.


November 16 • 2 Samuel 3:33

Jesus, Our Refuge of Wisdom

Do you know why God set up cities of refuge in the Old Testament? They pointed forward to the truth of the Lord Jesus.


November 15 • 2 Samuel 18:12-14

Loving Jesus Means Loving His People

Do you have the mind of Christ? Do you love as Jesus loves?


November 14 • 1 Samuel 24:16

Repaying Evil with Good

David was far ahead of his time. David did good to his enemies.