Acts 12:1

Christ of Every Crisis Sermon Outline

Troubles come and go every day, but every so often we come up against an unexpected, ferocious crisis. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four things believers can do in a crisis.


Acts 8:5-24

Counterfeit Christianity Sermon Outline

In Acts 8, on the heels of a Great Revival, a sorcerer named Simon exhibited a counterfeit Christianity that posed a great threat to the Early Church. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three warnings about false religion, so we are not deceived.


Acts 5:1-11

Living Supernaturally or Superficially Sermon Outline

In Acts 5, the Early Church was in the blaze of revival. However, the devil crafted a new attack from within the church, through Ananias and Sapphira. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals God’s grave warning about superficial religion.


Acts 8:26-39

Every Christian An Evangelist Outline and Transcript

Each of us is called, ordained, equipped, and given opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how every Christian is an evangelist, and how to share the Gospel with others.


Acts 5:27-32

The Expedience of Obedience Sermon Outline

Being a Christian is a joyous thing. The reason we are not filled with joy in this Christian life could be a matter of disobedience. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the expedience of obedience, so that we may live in victory.


Acts 4:9-33

Holy Boldness Sermon Outline

If there was ever a time to be bold in our faith, it is now. We need the same holy boldness Peter and John had in Acts 4. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three principles that are the basis of our courage.


April 22 • John 3:3-5

Don't Argue Someone Into Heaven

Nobody was ever argued into the kingdom of Heaven.


April 21 • Matthew 23:27

Are You a Cardboard Christian?

Reality is what this world hungers for. It’s sick and tired of make-believe, cardboard Christians.


April 20 • Matthew 16:18

Does Your Church Have These 4 B’s?

Any great church is built on these four things that begin with the letter B.


April 19 • Hebrews 9:14

Do You Always Say the Right Thing?

Jesus Christ doesn’t have any strong points. For Him to have strong points, He would have to have weak points!