Our sophisticated society makes the idea of a real and a personal devil more or less laughable.
READ MOREWhat does it mean to have your mind opened by God?
READ MOREHuman wisdom is superficial. It is the supernatural wisdom of God that gives us true knowledge of Him.
READ MOREDo you know the reason some Christians doubt their salvation? They don’t have the witness of the Spirit.
READ MOREHow do you get your prayers answered?
READ MOREPredestination is not saying from eternity that this man will go to Heaven and this other man goes to Hell; predestination says that those who trust the Lord Jesus are going to be like the Lord Jesus.
READ MOREWhen the devil gets on your trail, don’t argue with him. He’s not worth it.
READ MOREWe wouldn’t have a hope of Heaven apart from the water and the blood, apart from the death of the Lord Jesus Christ upon that cross and the cleansing that makes us pure.
READ MORELove is not the way to God. God is the way to love.
READ MOREIf love is the greatest commandment, what is the greatest sin? Not to love.