Ezekiel 47:1-12

Rivers of Revival Outline and Transcript

As we ask God to do something supernatural in our desperate world, we must pray for revival. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the source, course, and force of the rivers of revival pictured in Ezekiel 47.


November 3 • Luke 16:10

Do the Small Things

Everything big is made of something small. So, if you’ll be faithful in the small things, the big things will take care of themselves.


November 2 • 1 Corinthians 12:20-25

Are You Faithful in the Body Christ?

We need to be faithful to the local church. We should be in the house of God on a regular basis, bringing in our tithe, our Bibles, our love, and our influence as we gather week after week.


1 Kings 18:1-6

Enemies of Revival Outline and Transcript

1 Kings 18 tells the story of revival in dark days. After a severe drought, God told Elijah that He would send rain upon the earth. But there are enemies of revival, many of whom belong to the Body of Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals who among us could be holding back revival, and how to pray for fire to fall from Heaven again.


November 1 • Acts 2:37-39

What Do Others See in You?

When we live by the power of God in every area of life others will notice and begin asking what makes us different. That gives us a platform to tell them how they can know Jesus.


October 31 • 2 Chronicles 20:6-9

Do You Praise God in Your Problems?

When you begin to praise God in your problems His energy fills you, brings you strength, and defends you against the enemy.


October 30 • 2 Chronicles 20:3-4

Seeking God in Your Problems

When you have a problem, it is important that you focus your eyes on God. You need to glance at your problems and gaze at your God.


2 Chronicles 20:1-30

The Power of Praise Outline and Transcript

Praise is a powerful thing, in times of joy and in times of help, but especially in times of trouble. In 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, the story of King Jehoshaphat exemplifies this power, firsthand. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows us the power of praise and what to do in times of opposition.


Matthew 25:21

God Give Us Faithful Men Outline and Transcript

God preserves the faithful (see Psalm 31:23). Faithfulness is God’s measurement for our blessing. One day, our reward, or lack of it, will be according to our faithfulness. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains what, why, and how to be faithful men and women of God.


October 29 • Psalm 31:23

God Preserves the Faithful

Faithful people can be counted on to live with integrity in their relationship with God and others.

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