Genesis 3

Four Lies that Ruined the World Outline and Transcript

Satan cleverly crafts subtle lies about the biggest truths. We see this exemplified in his confrontation with Eve in the Garden of Eden. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the four lies that ruined the world, so that we can know the truth.


September 14 • Mark 10:17

Do You Have Life?

All the commandments are summed up in loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself.


September 13 • 2 Corinthians 6:2

When You Choose Not to Decide, You Just Decided.

Maybe you or someone you know thinks they aren’t deciding—they’re just delaying their decision. Help them see that when you choose not to decide, you just made a decision.


September 12 • Malachi 3:3

You Are Not Quite Like You Think You Are

Receive the grace of God. Recognize the goal of God. Rest in the goodness of God when you’re in the fire. Then you’ll reflect the glory of God.


Acts 17:16-18

Standing Firm in a Pagan World Outline and Transcript

In Acts 17, Paul finds himself surrounded by a pagan society in Athens, Greece. Yet, the ones who opposed the Gospel in this passage are much like those who oppose the Gospel, now. In this message, Adrian Rogers analyzes Paul’s response to reveal how to stand firm in a pagan world.


September 11 • Matthew 14:27

Keep Looking to Jesus

Under the circumstances, you suffocate; above them, you rest pretty well. Take your eyes off self and circumstances. Fix your eyes only on Jesus.


James 1:12-15

Flawed Appetites and Fatal Attractions Sermon Outline

We live in a world of victims; nobody wants to take the blame for anything. But God’s Word heeds warning to those who would dare blame Him for their temptation to sin. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the process of temptation, so that we can recognize and rebuke our own flawed appetites and fatal attractions.


September 10 • Romans 8:1

Your Ark of Safety

Just as the storms of God’s wrath beat upon that ark, the storms of God’s wrath beat upon the Lord Jesus. But we are on the inside, and not one drop of judgment can come through.


September 9 • Titus 3:5

You've Got 3 Ways to Get to Heaven

The only way to Heaven is to receive Christ as your personal Savior. Are you certain you’re saved, your sins forgiven? It’s not something you inherit by doing it; it’s a gift of God you receive by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ezekiel 28:8

From the Palace to the Pit Outline and Transcript

The devil’s origin in Ezekiel 28 is one of riches to rags. It’s important to learn about his descent from the palace to the pit. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares Satan’s treacherous history so that we can be informed and vigilant when waging war against the kingdom of evil.