August 18 • Psalm 139:7

Are You Lying to God?

God convicts our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and He will expose our wickedness when we resist confessing our sin to Him.


August 17 • Acts 5:7-10

Sincerity in Our Worship

Words are cheap. The root of hypocrisy is pride, and the fruit is pretense.


August 16 • Acts 5:19-21

What Does it Really Mean to Serve God?

God has called you to witness, and a Christian who is not witnessing is not merely missing a blessing, he is guilty of high treason against Heaven’s King.


Acts 5:19-20

Lifestyle Evangelism Outline and Legacy Collection

If you are a Christian, evangelism is supposed to be a lifestyle. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the conversion stories of three men found in the Book of Acts to reveal why it is so important to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Acts 4:36-37

God's Warning to Pretenders Outline and Legacy Collection

In Acts 5, the early church was in the blaze of revival. However, the Devil crafted a new attack from within the church, through Ananias and Sapphira. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains how the severe and saving judgment of God toward this couple serves as a warning to big pretenders everywhere.


August 15 • Acts 5:1-3

Are You Clothed with Humility or Pride?

There is nothing that puts you further out of the devil’s reach than genuine humility. And there is nothing that makes you more susceptible to the machinations of the devil than pride.


August 14 • Acts 4:29-31

Are You Fully Surrendered?

Do you want God to answer your prayers? Then submit yourself to Him completely as Lord.


Acts 4:23-33

How to Put Power in Your Prayer Outline and Legacy Collection

The need of the hour is power in prayer. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the example of the early church’s powerful prayer in a critical time to show us how to pray with power.


August 13 • Acts 4:13

Are You Bold to Speak Out for Christ?

Holy boldness is not self-confidence, human courage, or arrogance. True holy boldness begins with humility, surrender, and obedience.


Acts 4:1-3, 13

The Secret of Holy Boldness Outline and Legacy Collection

Do you wish to have more courage when you share your faith in Jesus with others? In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the secret of holy boldness, so that we may be good stewards of our faith in Jesus Christ.

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