January 21 • Philippians 3:14

Focus on God’s Plan for You

Find out what God wants you to do and refuse to be distracted by the devil.


January 20 • Colossians 3:17

You are the Temple of God

We are the temple of God, not a building made of brick and mortar. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are to be doing all in the name of Jesus.


Romans 8:28

The Chemistry of the Cross Sermon Outline

Romans 8:28 reveals the chemistry of the cross: that God can work bad situations for our good and His glory. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals five poignant truths about God’s promise to those who love Him.


January 19 • 2 Corinthians 7:1

Are You Healthy in Body, Soul, and Spirit?

God’s aim is that ultimately you are to experience all three realities: health, happiness, and holiness.


January 18 • Psalm 25:15

Satan’s Most Valuable Tool

Do you want me to tell you why you get discouraged? I’ll give it to you in a nutshell—you’ve taken your eyes off God!


Ephesians 5:18

How to Have a Spirit-Filled Life Sermon Outline

The Christian life is a blessing, but if we don’t understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it can feel more like a burden. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to have a spirit-filled life.


January 17 • Philippians 1:6

Get Ready to Be Ridiculed

The devil hasn’t changed his tactics. He’s still mocking and throwing cold water on our walks with the Lord. Get ready. If you don’t feel the flames of ridicule now, just wait.


January 16 • Matthew 19:26

Pursue Others as God Pursued You

Stop right now and ask God to show you if you have an unforgiving spirit toward someone. Then, in His power and strength, grant forgiveness.


January 15 • Matthew 6:11

Do You Have Real Security?

Who is more secure—the man who has a warehouse full of stale bread that the rats or thieves can get, or the man who has a father who is a very, very rich baker?


Matthew 27:22

What Shall I Do With Jesus? Outline and Transcript

In Matthew 27:22, Pontius Pilate asks the most personal and pressing question: “What shall I do with Jesus?” What we do with Jesus is an unavoidable decision each of us will make. In this message, Adrian Rogers puts Jesus back on trial, and reveals how our decision dictates our eternity.