January 14 • James 2:26

Are You Acting on Faith?

What have you been praying earnestly about the last week? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how you can put feet to that prayer.


1 Corinthians 10:12-14

How to Turn Temptations into Triumphs Outline and Legacy Collection

As Christians, we have the power not only to overcome temptations but also to use them as a means to grow in our faith. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows us how to turn temptations into triumphs.


January 13 • Matthew 6:9-10

Praying to See God’s Will on Earth

Do you think that Jesus Christ would have taught us to pray this prayer if it would not have been answered?


Psalm 51

How to Come Back When You're Down Sermon Outline

King David, though a man after God’s own heart, was a great sinner. But David was also a great repenter, and Psalm 51 shows us how to come back when we’re down. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how we can get back in fellowship with God after falling into sin.


January 12 • John 15:7

Do You Want to Know God’s Will?

When you bow to God's will and read His will, you will know His will.


January 11 • 2 Peter 1:4

Isn’t God Everybody’s Father?

God becomes our Father not by creation, but by conception when we’re born into His family—the family of God, through the Lord Jesus Christ.


John 10:27

Eternal Security: a Scriptural Defense Sermon Outline

It is good for our spiritual health and productivity as Christians to know we are eternally secure. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives a Scriptural defense for our eternal security.


January 10 • Matthew 18:20

Where Two or Three Are Gathered

There is a sense in which Jesus Christ is present when His people gather. You cannot get it the same way at home.


January 9 • Exodus 3:2

Burning Brightly for God

We are only the vessels of God’s anointing. As you surrender yourself to God today, He will fill you and use you for His glory.


2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

How to Have a Steadfast Hope in a Shaky World Outline and Transcript

Though it has been anticipated for more than two thousand years, Jesus Christ could come again at any moment, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. But as children of God, we have a settled faith. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how to have a steadfast hope in a shaky world.