December 20 • Judges 5:20

Do You Want God?

Listen to me, the whole universe is against the man who is against God. But the whole universe lines up behind the man who seeks God. Whatever is necessary, God will do it to get the hungry heart to Jesus. If you want Him, God is a God of might and miracle.


December 19 • Jeremiah 29:14a

Do You Desire God?

Do you know why I love the Lord Jesus? Because God in grace and mercy put a desire in my heart to seek after Him.


December 18 • Matthew 2:11a and Jeremiah 29:13

Do You Seek Jesus?

Are you seeking Jesus? Is that the burning ambition of your life?


John 20:24-29

The Stars & Scars of Christmas Outline and Transcript

We worship a God with scars; they are not incidental, but so fundamental, that Jesus carried those scars with Him to Heaven. In this message, Adrian Rogers discusses the stars and scars of Christmas and reveals how we can use our pain to point people to the Gospel.


December 17 • Matthew 2:1-2

Do You Have Real Wisdom?

Put your life in a sentence like this—“For me to live is Christ.” Honestly consider that. Is it true of your life?


December 16 • Romans 5:1

Do You Have Peace?

Without the saving life of Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit, you cannot have true peace. It is only found in the wonderful name of Jesus.


December 15 • Acts 4:12

Jesus Wants to Save You

Because of the birthday of Jesus, each year you are one year closer to Heaven, one year closer to seeing His dear face. Jesus, the Son of God, left Heaven, came to this earth, suffered, bled, died, and walked out of that grave a living, risen Savior.


December 14 • Isaiah 9:6b

Do You Believe Jesus Was Born a King?

God has already declared Jesus Lord. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. If you miss that, you miss the meaning of Christmas.


December 13 • Luke 2:15

Do You Want to Understand Who Jesus Christ Is?

What is the great need in the world today?


December 12 • Matthew 1:21

Are You Sinking Deeper?

Jesus is a Savior. He has what it takes to extricate us from the mud we’ve gotten into.