Who is Jesus to you? Is He Lord or not? You need to find out. And if He is not Lord, you must fall at His feet and make Him Lord.
READ MOREIn John 3, Jesus explains three miracle births that tell the story of our salvation. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals what it means to be born-again, and the results of our new birth.
READ MOREThe thing your heart is yearning for is peace. Jesus is called “The Prince of Peace.”
READ MOREAre you going through a problem right now where you don’t know the way out? Call upon the true Counselor. His name is Jesus.
READ MOREOh friend, Jesus is wonderful.
READ MOREDo you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord? Is He your Lord?
READ MOREThere has never ever been another like the Lord Jesus Christ with a supernatural nature.
READ MOREThe educated man is ignorant, the strong man is weak, and the wealthy man is poor who doesn’t understand the true meaning of Christmas.
READ MOREWhat good is it to know history and the events of history and not know Jesus?
READ MOREJonathan and David’s blood covenant in 1 Samuel 18-19 is a picture of the blood covenant God made with us, through Jesus. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the steadfast promise and saving power of the blood covenant Jesus made on our behalf.