The devil is the master liar of all liars, and the best lies sound the most like the truth.
READ MOREIf we’re not careful, we may spend the prime time of our lives chasing the wrong goals. This is why we have to learn how to use and maximize our time for God’s glory. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows us how to see time as an incredible opportunity, so we may know how to live wisely in evil days.
READ MOREOur strength is often made perfect in weakness!
READ MORESome of you are saved, but you're still wearing the old filthy graveclothes of life before Christ—your old sinful nature.
READ MOREWe can never work ourselves into being “holy enough” to qualify for closeness with Jesus
READ MOREThe word commit is a banking term, meaning to put something with someone else for a safe deposit.
READ MOREDoes God believe in laughter?
READ MOREGood things are bad things when they stand in the way of the best things.
READ MORESometimes, darkness falls upon even the most devout Christians. What can we do when the lights go out? What is the discipline of darkness? In this message, Adrian Rogers explains five things to remember when facing seasons of sorrow.
READ MOREThe greatest wealth you have is not in the bank.