If you want to be saved, that means the Holy Spirit is working in you. Anyone who wants to be saved can be. Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus.
READ MOREWhen your children are little, it’s always good to have family worship, to start the day with the Word of God. But how do you do it successfully?
READ MOREWe have a loving Savior. How wonderful to know the Lord Jesus Christ in this life. Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. Get right with God now, because you may live.
READ MOREIf you’re looking for a church, find out if they take a stand on the Book, the Blood, the Birth, and the Blessed Hope. If they don’t, saturate that place with your absence.
READ MOREOnly when you lift your hands in ultimate surrender will you know the power of God at work in you.
READ MOREYou can’t have wisdom from God unless you are under God in service and worship. If you are jockeying for leadership, stop it. Instead, devote yourself to prayer and the study of the Word.
READ MOREWe can conquer. We can grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We can be filled with the Spirit.
READ MOREIf you know someone who’s not a Christian, don’t try to argue with them. Nobody was ever argued into the kingdom of Heaven. Anything someone can argue you into, you can be argued out of.
READ MOREOurs is the greatest mission on the face of this earth: the salvation of lost souls. Our message is the greatest message: the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
READ MOREA soul is the most precious thing on earth, the most valuable thing you have. Jesus said, "What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"