September 10 • Romans 8:1

Your Ark of Safety

Just as the storms of God’s wrath beat upon that ark, the storms of God’s wrath beat upon the Lord Jesus. But we are on the inside, and not one drop of judgment can come through.


September 9 • Titus 3:5

You've Got 3 Ways to Get to Heaven

The only way to Heaven is to receive Christ as your personal Savior. Are you certain you’re saved, your sins forgiven? It’s not something you inherit by doing it; it’s a gift of God you receive by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ezekiel 28:8

From the Palace to the Pit Outline and Transcript

The devil’s origin in Ezekiel 28 is one of riches to rags. It’s important to learn about his descent from the palace to the pit. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares Satan’s treacherous history so that we can be informed and vigilant when waging war against the kingdom of evil.


September 8 • Psalm 78:35

Stop Agonizing Over if You Are Strong Enough

Faith is necessary for salvation, but you’re saved by Jesus! How much faith does it take? Just enough to say, "Lord, I trust You.”


September 7 • Psalm 51:9, 12

You Can Have Joy Always

True joy doesn’t depend upon your circumstances. Happiness depends on circumstances—what “happens” to you.


September 6 • Zechariah 3:1

Your Accuser Won't Stop

Satan is constantly accusing you. He wants you to sin, encourages you to sin, then he wants you to suffer the consequences. He points out your sin so you’ll get into the guilt trap.


September 5 • Ephesians 4:26

Do Not Hold On to Anger

Not all anger is bad or sinful. Many things in our world should move you to anger. The Lord Jesus Himself was moved with righteous anger when it was called for.


Matthew 24:1-3

The Signs of the Times and the Beginning of the End Outline and Transcript

Mankind has always been fascinated with knowing the future; our only reliable source of prophecy is the Word of God. In this message, Adrian Rogers analyzes Jesus' prophecy in Matthew 24 to reveal the signs of the times and the beginning of the end.


September 4 • Isaiah 1:18

Are You a Closet Cynic?

A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Many people today scorn the Gospel and haven’t discerned the inherent goodness in Jesus Christ because they’re cynics.


1 John 2:18-29

Living In The Last Days Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

These last days are growing gloriously dark; the time is ripe for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In message, Adrian Rogers reveals three warnings from 1 John 2 as we near the rapture and Great Tribulation prophesied in the Book of Revelation.