April 8 • 1 Peter 3:18

The Cross: Once and for All

Jesus has the power to forgive all of your sin, past, present, and future that He might bring you to God.


April 7 • John 1:29

The Cross: Crossroads of Substitution

The Lord Himself invites you to place your hands on that perfect, spotless Lamb and say, “Jesus, You are my substitute. Forgive my sin and take full control of my life. Thank You for saving me.”


April 6 • Genesis 22:8

The Crown of Saving Ministry: One-Size Only

God has sworn by His holiness that all sin will be punished. There’s only one question: who will bear that punishment, you or Jesus?


April 5 • Isaiah 52:14

The Crown of Misery: Rescuing His Beloved

Let your heart be pricked by His crown of thorns. Recognize that He allowed Himself to be disfigured so you could be made eternally beautiful and wear the crown of the redeemed.


April 4 • Genesis 3:17-18

The Crown of Mystery: Perfection Bore Sin’s Curse

Look forward to the day when Jesus Christ will return and bring a final end to all sin and suffering because in His perfection, He wore the crown of thorns and bore sin’s curse.


April 3 • 1 Corinthians 11:25

The Cup of Communion: Victory at Gethsemane

He takes our sin. He drinks it down. We take His righteousness. We drink it in. God forbid that we should fail to be moved by Gethsemane.


April 2 • Isaiah 59:2

The Cup of Punishment: Incomprehensible Separation

Run to Gethsemane and fall on your knees. Meet the suffering Servant. He endured incomprehensible separation in order to be reunited with you.


April 1 • 2 Corinthians 5:21

The Cup of Pollution: Sin’s Oil Press

Spend some time in prayer thanking Him for drinking the poisonous cup of sin—past, present, and future—pressed from the shortcomings of your life.


March 31 • Psalm 51:11-12

Does Your Sin Bother You?

God will carry you to the woodshed when you sin! One way you will know that you are truly His is that your sin bothers you. It grieves you—or better said, it grieves the Holy Spirit residing in you.


Revelation 21

A Guided Tour Through Heaven Outline and Transcript

Scripture often describes Heaven symbolically, because the human mind could never comprehend it. In this message, Adrian Rogers takes us on a guided tour through the very real place called Heaven, as revealed in Revelation 21.