June 17 • Matthew 16:24

Be Prepared to Deny Yourself

Self doesn’t want to die. Take Self off the throne and enthrone Jesus there instead. Tell Him, “None of me and all of Thee, Lord Jesus.”


June 16 • Genesis 22:13

God Knows Before You Do

Don’t give way to panic. Worry is an insult to Almighty God. Trust God—He already knows.


June 15 • 2 Kings 6:25

Who Would Choose This Depraved Diet?

You must load up on the Word of God. Feast on the honey, the milk, the meat of God’s Word. Then you won’t be hungry for that which corrupts yet doesn’t satisfy.


June 14 • Romans 5:12

Are You Blaming Others?

According to behavioral psychologists, people behaving badly may be pitied but not blamed. They may be sick, but they’re not sinful. They may be weak but not wicked.


June 13 • 1 John 1:8, 10

Are We Putting New Labels on Sin?

Take inventory. Are you seeing your sin and dealing with it humbly and honestly before the Lord? We must come back to a place of accountability.


June 12 • Romans 14:23

Do You Make Smart Choices?

When faced with a choice, ask: “Will this gladden the heart of God or grieve Him?” A good prayer for you to pray today is: “Lord, I want my heart to be grieved by those things that grieve Your heart and be gladdened with the things that give You joy.”


June 11 • Romans 6:23

Are You Spiritually Dead?

A lot of “dead” people will go to work tomorrow. They have existence, but they don't have life. But if you know Christ, you have life and will never die.


June 10 • 1 John 1:9

Want to Be Clean? ‘Fess up!

If you have never confessed your sins to God and asked Him to save you, I have good news: You don’t have to be bound by sin. You can be saved right now.


June 9 • John 11:26

With Jesus, You Too Will Live!

Life is short, death is sure, sin is the cause, and Christ is the cure. Do you know Jesus, whom God has sent? Believe in Him. Trust in Him for your salvation. Then you too will live!


June 8 • Romans 3:23

How Will God Respond to Your Sin?

You must “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved...” (Acts 16:31). Confess your sins, repent of them, and believe. Then, “…though your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they will be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).