June 7 • Psalm 121:4

Do You Trust or Worry?

Friend, turn your problem over to Him. Roll it on the Lord. I don’t care how big it is. Read and obey Philippians 4:6-7 and know the mastery of God’s peace. God’s peace will settle over your panic.


June 6 • Luke 18:1

Do You Believe Prayer Is Optional for You?

Spend time in prayer. The devil mocks at our schemes, laughs at our organizations, ridicules our talents, but he fears our prayers. Pray—not only frequently but fervently.


June 5 • Jeremiah 29:13

Three Ways You Should Pray

Don’t feel like praying? Continue in prayer until you do feel like it. Friend, if there’s ever a time that you need to pray, it’s when you don’t feel like it. Pray—not only frequently but fervently.


June 4 • Matthew 18:19-20

Please God More When You Do This

You need to be that go-to person for a fellow believer. If you have this fellowship in prayer, praise God. If not, ask Him to bring that prayer partner(s) into your life.


June 3 • Isaiah 55:8-9

God, Do You Have Any Plans?

When I watch an artist at work, it may not make sense to me, but it makes sense to him. And just because things are not making sense to you, do not think that they don’t make sense.


June 2 • Romans 8:28

Can You See God Working?

Just because today you cannot see the hand of God working doesn’t mean God is not working. Step back and see the hidden hand of God.


June 1 • Acts 12:1-5, 7-8, 12, 16

Pray So God Will Want to Listen

Stop praying vague, general prayers. Get specific. When they prayed for Peter and the answer came, they knew it was an answer to prayer.


May 31 • Hebrews 12:1

Are You Willing to Run?

Have you ever taken time to get alone with God about this? I’ve said before, God does business with people who mean business.


May 30 • Hebrews 12:2

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Are your eyes on the One who was willing to die for you, Jesus Christ? Would it be true to say you have eyes for no one but Him? Bravely run the race, looking to Jesus and nothing else, because He is the Author and He is the Finisher of our faith.


May 29 • Romans 12:1-2

You Can Know God's Will

If you want to know the will of God, you must first present yourself to God. Humility and submission are both a part of that. Let Him change you. Then you won’t have to find the will of God; the will of God will find you.