God wants to bless His people above all the nations of the world, and He wants to give His people financial freedom. But so many people don't have financial freedom—they’re in financial bondage.
READ MOREWe must watch what we say because one word builds upon another, and it can get worse—you’ll have the snowball effect.
READ MOREYou don't have to teach children to laugh; you have to teach children when not to laugh. And if you really have the joy of the Lord in your heart, it's going to show up on your face.
READ MORESome proverbs tell you the way to be wealthy. Does that mean everyone who follows one of these proverbs is automatically going to be wealthy? A proverb is a general principle that when generally applied will bring a general result.
READ MOREMake this a time of prayer, for we are in a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of our nation, neighbors, and loved ones.
READ MORESeek the Lord today on how you can be a better picture of Christ and the Church in your marriage.
READ MOREGod gave Ten Commandments, but the fifth, “Honor your father and mother,” is the one with a promise: “that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.”
READ MOREMore important than being on the wall at the local school is that The Ten Commandments are being taught in your home and written upon the walls of your heart and your children’s hearts. Are you intentional about doing this?
READ MOREWhat a lesson for a kid! I think it’s one of the greatest I’ve ever heard, to see a husband come to the protection of his wife, even if he has to take sides with her against his own child.
READ MOREReflect on your life today. Does your life honor God and give your parents joy? Does it gladden their hearts—and His?