March 3 • Hebrews 4:12

Are You Carrying a Sword?

When God speaks, everything else is irrelevant. Sharpen your Sword today by reading the Scripture. Spend time in His Word. Meditate on it. Stay in the Word daily. Memorize the Word. Begin today.


March 2 • Psalm 116:8

When You Walk Through the Valley of Death

“F-A-I-T-H” means Forsaking All, I Trust Him.” Trust Him fully today, and He will come to dwell within.


March 1 • Hebrews 10:38

Do You Think God’s Not Working?

This is the only way to live. In fact, this verse is quoted three times in the Word of God. I wonder if God is trying to tell us something. I know He is. The challenge for us today—and every day—is to live by faith.


February 29 • Deuteronomy 4:29

Do You Worship God Half-heartedly?

Is there anything in your life you love more than the Lord Jesus Christ? If so, whatever or whoever it is—has become an idol in your life.


February 28 • 2 Corinthians 5:17

Should You Clean Up Before Coming to Jesus?

Some people want to get everything in their life straightened out before they come to Christ. But you'll wake up in hell and still not have it straightened out.


Revelation 19:11-16

The Coming of the King Outline and Transcript

Jesus’s Second Coming is both a mystery and full of majesty. Yet, Revelation 19 gives us a glimpse of what we can expect when He returns. Adrian Rogers shares what this passage reveals about the Coming of the King.


Revelation 17

Beauty and the Beast Outline and Transcript

Revelation 17 shares the prophetic story of a mysterious Beauty sitting on top of a vicious Beast. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains what they represent, and what will happen to them when the prophecy is fulfilled in the End Times.


Revelation 15-16

How to Gain and Celebrate Victory Outline and Transcript

The Book of Revelation tells of the coming tribulation, as well as the coming victory for those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains how to gain and celebrate victory now and in the End Times.


Revelation 18

Goodbye to Babylon Outline and Transcript

In the End Times, ancient Babylon will rise from the dust to meet her doom at the hands of Almighty God’s judgment. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares four things from Revelation 18 about the rise and fall of the wicked empire just before we say goodbye to Babylon forever.


Revelation 19:1-10

The Marriage of the Lamb Outline and Transcript

In Revelation 19, the Bride of Christ comes to the most climactic time in history: her Wedding. Adrian Roger shares what we can anticipate for this glorious Marriage of the Lamb.