God has given you individual freedom. It is your responsibility to set a guard over your eyes and what they take in.
READ MOREWhat does James mean when he talks about the conditions that we should meet? He’s talking about the intensity of the asking. That’s the kind of prayer that brings results.
READ MORE“Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another” is the command we should obey. We must uphold one another in prayer.
READ MOREPrayer is not only our greatest privilege, it’s our greatest power. We have not because we ask not. May God forgive us. I pray that you will never underestimate the importance of prayer.
READ MOREIs there something God is bringing to your mind right now that you need to confess to Him? Is there a confession you need to make to someone else? When a wrong has been done, there’s no reconciliation until there is confession.
READ MOREAre you depending on what God can do? Are you depending on prayer?
READ MOREThat's the way you're to look into the Word of God. Not just a casual glance, but a steadfast looking into the Word and a careful examination of the Word. Pick it up, read it, study it, scrutinize it.
READ MOREIf someone were to ask you, “What proof do you have that Jesus Christ really rose from the dead?”—what would you answer them? Are you prepared with a well-thought-out, logical answer?
READ MOREHave you met the risen Christ? If not, He is ready to make all Heaven break loose in your life!
READ MOREIf you belong to Jesus and you’re not being persecuted in any way, be prepared, for the Bible says that all those who live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.