If you want your life to be an exclamation point rather than a question mark, then you need to be certain the Bible is the Word of God.
READ MOREPraying is our greatest privilege as Christians, and oftentimes, our greatest failure. We are instructed in Scripture to pray for one another. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to pray for our friends and influence people.
READ MOREChristians can face illnesses of varying degrees; but there is hope! In this message, Adrian Rogers addresses the many causes of sin, as well as the miraculous cure we can claim in faith, and see bodily healing for ourselves.
READ MOREThe Lord Jesus knows you by name. You came to God by Jesus? Then you’re on His prayer list.
READ MORERemember His mercy today and thank Him specifically for how He has covered your life with His garment of mercy.
READ MOREKeep your eyes and ears open. Let the Holy Spirit show you if there is someone you can befriend and help to grow, as Barnabas did Saul/Paul.
READ MOREAdd up everything you have that money can’t buy and death can’t take away. The sum will reveal to you how rich you really are.
READ MORENot everyone can recite Psalm 23 and claim it for their own. It belongs to those who’ve found a personal relationship with the Lord—a personal, permanent, protected relationship that will endure for all eternity.
READ MOREPraise Him for dying for you and rejoice in the hope of His coming again! Thank God we can say with David, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills”
READ MOREExamine your heart. What fruitless efforts are you making to sew a fig leaf covering for yourself? What is the only thing that will wash away sin and bring you purity, cleansing and righteousness? Apply that to your heart today. Ask Jesus to cleanse you.