Praise Him today—thank Him for making provision for you…before you were even born.
READ MOREDon’t wait another day to commit to making this a year of being devoted to reading the Bible and to prayer.
READ MOREPsychiatrists say the greatest need we have on earth is not material but the ability to love and be loved. The Lord has said, “I will never leave you.”
READ MOREA man's faith, character and religion can be measured by his attitude toward money. Money is to work for us, we are not to worship it. And in this message, Adrian Rogers shares three things to keep in mind when we consider the question: Is Your Pocketbook Converted?
READ MOREWe all experience painful losses in our lives. How we choose to handle them is key to what happens next.
READ MOREWhat have you anchored your hope to? I hope it’s in the solid rock, the Lord Jesus Christ.
READ MORESuppose someone were to go into your house and carry out all your material possessions. Could you still praise the Lord? If your delight is in the Lord, you could!
READ MOREThere’s nothing wrong with material things; they just can’t satisfy the deepest longing of your heart.
READ MOREIf you have clothes to wear and food to eat and you have Jesus Christ in your heart, my dear friend, you're blessed.
READ MOREJames 4:13-17 tells the story of an astute businessman with some very big plans to succeed. Yet, in the eyes of God, his success was counted as a failure. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what we can learn from the boastful businessman so that we can be fruitful in our professional lives, as well as our personal relationships with Jesus Christ.