God will carry you to the woodshed when you sin! One way you will know that you are truly His is that your sin bothers you. It grieves you—or better said, it grieves the Holy Spirit residing in you.
READ MOREScripture often describes Heaven symbolically, because the human mind could never comprehend it. In this message, Adrian Rogers takes us on a guided tour through the very real place called Heaven, as revealed in Revelation 21.
READ MORERevelation 20 reveals the final judgment of the unsaved dead, where God settles the score and judges the sins of those who are not in Christ Jesus. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains who stands before the Holy Judge, and how to settle out of court.
READ MORERevelation 20 speaks of the Golden Age, when the Garden of Eden will be restored after the Second Coming of Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the three schools of thought regarding this millennium, as well as what to anticipate when Jesus reigns and rules on earth.
READ MORELook around, see what is happening in the world. Can you see the signposts on the road to Armageddon? In this message, Adrian Rogers addresses the events leading up to the final Battle of Armageddon.
READ MOREThank Him today for His incredible grace in saving you, and read Ephesians 6:10-18. As you do, take on yourself the whole armor of God.
READ MOREThe theme is “everybody's doing it,” But God saved us out of that—for a purpose! He redeemed us from meaninglessness. It’s so great to be a Christian and to have a purpose in life!
READ MOREThe first thing we ought to do when we hurt is pray, “Lord, take it away, please.” If He doesn't, ask Him again and continue to ask Him until He tells you that He has a better or a higher plan.
READ MOREThe Bible says, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal [of the flesh] but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds." God is telling us today to take up the weapons He Himself has placed in our hands.
READ MORECould it be that it is your fault that you’re not victorious? You ought to be weeping over your shame and over your sin. Follow Josiah’s example in this chapter and humble yourself before our great God.