March 25 • Psalm 119:19

“Why Don’t You Ask Me?”

The Word of God will be dynamite in your life. But to make that happen it, you need to verbalize it. Start speaking the Word of God. Speak it clearly, speak it courageously.


March 24 • Psalm 119:12

Open Eyes. Clean Heart.

Make this your prayer today: "Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your law. Teach me Your statutes. God, control my life."


March 23 • Psalm 119:11

You Can Be an Overcomer

Do you get up every morning and saturate your soul with the Word of God and bathe your soul in the presence of Jesus? Decide today that you will spend a few minutes every day reading the Word of God.


March 22 • John 15:11

Joy Makes You Attractive

I feel sorry for anyone who tries to carry the burdens of this life without the joy of the Lord to put a spring in their step, a beat in their heart, and a smile on their face. Thank God for real joy.


March 21 • John 5:6

You Must Decide

What kind of faith does it take to have our lives transformed? Faith that can see the invisible, that can believe the incredible, that can receive the impossible. Doubt dreads to take a step, Faith soars on high. Doubt questions “Who believes?” Faith answers, “I!”


March 20 • John 2:5

Whatever He Says, Do It!

Many times your mind is going to say, “Well, that’s old-fashioned,” or “That doesn’t make sense.” Never come to the Bible that way. Never parade the Bible across the judgment bar of your reason. Whatever He says to you, do it.


March 19 • Matthew 6:27

Do You Worry Too Much?

When we worry, we make God out to be a liar when God has said He will take care of us. It would help you to memorize Philippians 4:6-7 today.


March 18 • Luke 23: 42-43

Mercy Is Available to You

Do you want that today? Do you want the mercy that God showed to the dying thief? He will show it to you and save you today.


March 17 • Revelation 20:10

Compare. Contrast. Complete.

How important it is that we see these books as they are, in comparison and in contrast! For what God began years ago at the first creation, He ultimately completes in His new creation.


March 16 • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

You Are Twice God's

We must live out this verse, today and every day: “You are not your own. You are bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”