Peace in your life is not the subtraction of problems; it’s the addition of power to meet those problems. That’s God’s peace.
READ MOREDid you not grow more in the storm, in distress, when you were crowded to Christ, and when you had to call upon Him? You are growing by His plan.
READ MORESomeone said that faith is like film. It’s developed in the dark. That’s when we learn to trust the Lord.
READ MOREWe’re fools if we don’t enjoy the good times of life. But just wait a while. Sooner or later, you’re going to find yourself in a storm.
READ MOREMy advice for you in the midst of your storm is to see Jesus, the great I AM, and see Him walking on the water.
READ MOREAre you running from God? Or perhaps you know someone who is. Pray for restoration.
READ MOREAre you abiding? Are you being fruitful? Ask God to show you where you need to make changes so that you are walking in the Spirit.
READ MOREThe moment you were saved, God began His work to make you pure and holy.
READ MOREDon't have any fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness! We're to walk in the light.
READ MOREWhat are you grasping for today? Position? Power? Possessions? Prestige? Whatever it is, if you desire it more than you desire to know Him, it will turn to ash in your hand.