January 24 • 1 Timothy 6:6

The Disease of Discontent

If you have clothes to wear and food to eat and you have Jesus Christ in your heart, my dear friend, you're blessed.


James 4:13-17

The Sad Case of the Boastful Businessman Sermon Outline

James 4:13-17 tells the story of an astute businessman with some very big plans to succeed. Yet, in the eyes of God, his success was counted as a failure. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what we can learn from the boastful businessman so that we can be fruitful in our professional lives, as well as our personal relationships with Jesus Christ.


James 4:5

How to Pray in the Spirit Sermon Outline

Prayer is the Christian’s greatest privilege. It is also, at times, the Christian’s greatest failure. Therefore, we must learn how to pray in the Spirit; and in this message, Adrian Rogers teaches us how, so that we may win the battles in our prayer lives.


James 4:1-2

Victorious Prayer Sermon Outline

God wants to bless you and give you everything you need. Have you asked for His help? In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how to have a victorious prayer life, so that you must see the fruit of your fellowship with God through answered prayers.


January 23 • Daniel 9:20-21

What Gives You the Right to Pray?

Whenever we pray, we must link our prayer with Calvary.


Isaiah 40:28-31

How to Handle Stress Outline and Transcript

Do you feel emotionally fatigued, physically drained, and spiritually defeated? There’s so much to do every day, and not enough time to do it? In this message, Adrian Rogers explains how to handle stress, and what it means to wait upon the Lord in every season of the soul.


John 6:16-21

How to Find Peace in the Midst of Your Storm Outline and Transcript

We all have difficulties in this life. Sooner or later, you are going to find yourself in a storm. In this message, Adrian Rogers draws insight from John 6:16-21 to reveal how to find peace in the midst of the storms of life.


Luke 4:1-2

How to Handle Temptation Outline and Transcript

Temptation to sin can come to any person, at any point, wherever you may be. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the example of Jesus in Luke 4:1-2 to show us how to handle temptations, so that we may be victorious over the battle of our hearts.


January 22 • Daniel 9:16

What Are You Really Praying for?

Make the focus of your prayers and the goal of your prayers the glory of God.


January 21 • Daniel 9:4, 7, 9, 14

Do You Understand Who You’re Talking to?

We don’t have to come to God with our hands filled with the brass of our emotions or the pewter of our worth, but with the gold of His glory and the incense of His mighty name.