December 5 •

The Victory of Love

Love is not only the greatest virtue; it is also the greatest commandment. Love is more important than education. It’s more important than ability. It is more important than prophecy. All of these things are going to pass away. May your family be known for the gospel it shares and the love it shows.


December 4 •

Love is Not Rude or Selfish

We all need to remember a truth that Jesus taught: “It is more blessed to give than to receive”


December 3 •

The Virtues of Love

Even with all the joy and delight of this special season, Christmas can also be a time of high stress for many individuals and families. We need patience, with ourselves and others.


December 2 •

The Value of Love

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. People need to see Christmas love in action.


December 1 •

Love Came Down

Jesus loved us enough to die on the cross for our sins, what better Christmas gift could we give others than to share His love with them, that they might have life? Love is a gift our world desperately needs this Christmas season.


November 30 •

When tragedy strikes, what do you do?

Receive suffering as a gift. Rely upon God’s grace. Reflect upon God’s glory. Choose to glorify Him through it.


November 29 •

Can you rejoice always?

The only joy anyone can have is in the Lord, because He never changes. Your joy can be threatened if you get it anywhere else. It’s not wrong to have joy in your health, your job, or your friends. But that kind of joy can be threatened. You need a joy which supersedes earthly things.


November 28 •

Too many blessings to list

Refuse to worry, but carry everything to God in prayer. Rejoice in the presence of the Lord, leaning upon His power and provision. Rest in the peace of the Lord. Do everything with thanksgiving.


November 27 •

A relationship for eternity

God wants to move you further into a knowledge of Himself. I don’t know about you, but I’m not satisfied with the status quo of my life. I want to go deep into the heart of Jesus. I desire the same for you.


November 26 •

Be prepared for battle

Be mindful every day to live such a godly, clean, righteous, honest, forthright life, that even those who hate you will have to grudgingly admit there’s a difference about you.