Are you looking for an easy way, a cheap way, a lazy way to serve God?
The Holy Spirit has not died, but He has departed. The Holy Spirit has left the building.
It's getting gloriously dark.
You’re going to find in these days churches will face more temptation to get away from the Word of God, the blood atonement, and salvation by grace through faith.
In this evil hour, sin-bound, self-bound, hell-bound men and women need a Savior. And we need revival.
Can we not say, “Jesus Christ is Lord”?
You know, when God’s people suffer as Christians, this world begins to take notice.
Some of you know what God wants you to do, but you're not doing it.
When God asks you to do something, it may not make sense or seem important, but let God determine what's important.
How important it is that we obey completely in small things!