Do you want to grow? Do you want to be a person of strength, steadfast in your faith? Then you must get into the Word of God.
How many one-brick buildings have you seen? One stone can be easily tossed around, but if you take a lot of them and put them together, there is strength.
If you are a father, don’t lose those few precious years when you’re running side by side with your child.
Do your children see in you victory?
There must be more to life than your next breath or your next step.
You and I have what we need to face any temptation, for we are in Christ, and He is in us.
God will make you stable, steadfast, dependable, and unmovable so that you will not be blown about by every wind of doctrine.
Truly, nothing is too hard for Him, and His purpose for redemption was fulfilled precisely on time.
Are you in pain right now? When you’re hurting, there are 3 possible ways to pray.
I sin all I want to. The thing is, I don’t want to!