A Christian with a vibrant testimony is never at the mercy of a skeptic with an argument. We simply share what we have witnessed in Christ just as the disciples did.
READ MOREHow can we be sure that Jesus is the Son of God? In this message, Adrian Rogers presents three indisputable witnesses revealed at the Gentile Pentecost in Acts 10.
READ MOREAs members of the Body of Christ, we each have different backgrounds, viewpoints, ideals, and ideas, but what unifies us despite our diversity is that we all worship one Lord.
READ MORESaul’s mission was to destroy the church. Paul’s mission was to build the church. In this message, Adrian Rogers tells the transformational story of Paul the Apostle in Acts 9 and shares the markings of a man made new.
READ MOREWhen we are intertwined with other believers in Christ, we love one another and care for one another so deeply that when the winds of life come, we stand strong. When you love Jesus, you’re going to love His Church.
READ MOREThe purpose of faith is to bring us into relationship with God. Faith is not a way that Man’s will is done on Earth; it is the way that God’s will is done in Heaven.
READ MOREIs the devil for or against religion? He is very much for religion, but only if it opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers presents the vital warnings against the devil’s religion, so that we may be free from its bondage and bitterness.
READ MOREMan-made religion is a false religion that will lead many astray.
READ MOREAs believers, our role is to share our faith with others. The Holy Spirit is the One who will convict and win souls for Christ.
READ MOREThe Church will be strong to the degree that its people maximize and emphasize the ministry of the Word of God, not only from the pulpit, but also in our classrooms, in our homes, and in our lives.