April 20 •

Defeat Death—Secure Your Future

Do you know where you’re going when you die?


Revelation 1:1-7, 17-18

He Holds the Keys Outline and Transcript

Jesus holds the keys to our fellowship and our understanding of Him; He is Lord and we are His willing servants. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four things about our Risen Lord from Revelation 1.


April 19 •

What are you worth to God?

The cross was not an accident or an afterthought; it was in the heart of God before the world began. Jesus was born under the shadow of a cross.


April 18 •

Does God Really Love You?

Did you know that Mt. Moriah, the Temple mount, and Mt. Calvary all share the same limestone ridge? They are all part of the same mountain.


April 17 • 1 Corinthians 15:55

Do You Fear Death?

Many people fear death—it’s a shadow looming over each of us, representing the unknown. Yet Jesus disarmed death and took away its power. The believer in Christ can have this assurance: beyond that shadow is the sunlight of the eternal morning.


April 16 •

What was Jesus really like?

What an amazing life the Lord Jesus lived. Do you realize He never had to correct, withdraw, or amend any statement He ever made? I wish I could say that! He never had to apologize for anything He said or did. He never sought advice from anyone or had to ask forgiveness.


April 15 •

God Accept Me? Forgive me?

The sole purpose for Calvary’s cross was substitution. God forgave our sins through Jesus’ suffering in our place.


April 14 • Genesis 3:17-18a

Why do people suffer?

No matter your occupation or station in life, you’ll be working among thorns. And your body, like the apostle Paul’s, will find a thorn in the flesh. The thorns Jesus wore spoke of the hardship, sickness and suffering we all experience because something happened to creation (Romans 8:22). Death always accompanies sin.


April 13 • Psalm 119:116

Victory Is Just a Prayer Away

Victory over your situation is just a prayer away. The circumstances may not change, but your perspective and attitude will change as you begin to pray and praise God. There is no need you and I have that God cannot meet.


Revelation 1:7-18

The Triumph of the Lamb Outline and Transcript

When Jesus came to this Earth the first time, He came with His glory veiled; but when He returns, His glory will be unveiled, and we will truly see Him. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives insight regarding the triumph of the Lamb at the coming of Jesus Christ.