May 21 • Prayer

The Ministry Of Prayer

" Prayer is not getting ready to serve. Prayer is service. I was preaching a revival meeting in Jacksonville, Florida, years ago with a college friend of mine named Ernie Harvey. It was his home church. Ernie said, “Adrian, I would like y...


May 18 •

A Ministry Of Encouragement

"In 1917, the bishops of the Orthodox Church in Russia were having a heated debate. Just a few doors down the street the Bolsheviks were meeting to overthrow the Czar and usher in the leadership of Lenin. They were planning and plotting, bu...


May 17 •

Love And Serve One Another

"I thank God for the Salvation Army that William Booth started with the poor in London. His vision for ministry has impacted my own, and one thing I have heard stands high above the rest. When William Booth was a very old man, the Salvatio...


May 16 •

Encourage One Another

"If you are a strong Christian, you are to encourage the weak Christian. You're not here to please yourself. The church does not exist to make you happy. Sometimes committees and choirs might be looking for a time to meet, and the conversa...


May 15 •

Later Than You Think

"It is tragic: there’s not only anarchy in the world and apostasy in the church. There’s also apathy in the pew. People just roll over and yawn in the face of God and go back to sleep. The alarm has sounded. I believe Jesus Christ is at th...


May 14 •

Changing Public Opinion

"America’s government is a republic—the people elect representatives who we hope will do our bidding in passing laws. America’s government is also based upon public opinion. The only hope for America is to change public opinion. And the onl...


May 11 • God & Government

Dare Not Be Silent

Christians will be civil, but we will not be silent.


May 10 •


"There are those who don’t want us to wave a flag. There are those who don’t want us to love America. Why? Because they think patriotism is wrong. Patriotism is not wrong. Just because I am patriotic doesn’t mean that I love other nations l...


May 9 •

Protecting The Weaker Vessel

"First Peter 3:7 says, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them [wives] according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." Whe...


May 8 •

Willing To Die For Your Wife

"Ephesians 5:25-27 says, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That He might present it to Himself a glorious ...